Class Descriptions

Please check our class schedule page to see what classes are currently being offered, and when.

★ | Beginner - Low to moderate intensity. Designed with beginners in mind. No pre-requesites.

★★ | All Levels/Advanced Beginner - For aerial, we do recommend taking 3-5 classes before signing up for a ★★ class, but it is not required. Most of our kettlebell classes are ★★, because they are more intense.

★★★ | Intermediate - No new students, at least 3-5 ★★  classes are required before attending L3. Pre-reqs are listed in each ★★★ class description, so make sure to read them.

Aerial + Yoga classes


The intention of this class is to release stress and relax tension in the body & mind. Using the hammock at a low setting (knee height) as both a support and prop, we will flow slowly and mindfully through a range of poses that will provide deep stretches for the body and decompression in the spine.

Each restorative class will include a gentle supported inversion, providing the inversion therapy that aerial yoga is famous for. This class is great for beginners, and is a great way to try out inversions closer to the ground. The mood will be set with dimmed and twinkling lights, relaxing music and a slightly longer savasana.


Never taken aerial yoga before? This is a great place to start! Class will be taught at a pace suitable for beginners, with very thorough explanations. This class will be taught with the hammock at hip height unless otherwise noted.

By moving into various traditional yoga postures while supported by the aerial hammock, you will build core strength, achieve better alignment and mobility, and experience the benefits of inversions and spinal decompression. The supportive action of the hammock relieves tension in the muscles and joints, almost like a deep tissue massage.


This is a flow-style class similar to our L1 flow, but it offers the opportunity for more dynamic and challenging movements in and around the hammock. We will spend the majority of the class on the floor, using the hammock as a prop, but we will begin to spend more time “in the air”.

Expect to see new variations to the basic Aerial Yoga poses, and to be challenged to find new ways to move with the fabric. Our Level 2 Aerial Yoga classes will flip your perspective, heal your body, and help you explore your adventurous side!

PRE-REQUISITES: Students should be comfortable getting in and out of the hammock without assistance, moving at a quicker pace, and doing both the front belt and back belt inversions. Many people who are interested in Level 2 classes are ready to try it out after 3-5 Aerial Flow Level 1 classes, but some people take 3-5 weeks or even 3-5 months. You do you.


The perfect class for people who want to get their heart rate up and work on improving their strength for aerial yoga! No previous aerial experience required. Class begins with gentle stretching and core work to get muscles warmed up. Then we use the hammock for strength training and inversions, and step out of the hammock to add cardio bursts of high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises. Finally, we’ll move back into the hammock for stretching and a relaxing savasana.

AERIAL FLEXIBILITY ★★ - not currently offered

This creative flow-based class will focus on improving your active mobility in the muscles around your hips, shoulders, and spine by strengthening and lengthening your muscles to create stability and freedom of movement in the body. This is not just a passive stretching class - be prepared to put in a bit of effort!


This class is a fusion of aerial yoga, with a healthy dose of strength and conditioning.  Class will begin with an Aerial Yoga style warm up flow before progressing into the strength building poses. And of course, we finish with everyone’s favorite - a floating savanna in the hammock.


In this beginner Aerial Dance classes, we are not limited to traditional yoga postures. We will begin to spend more time in the air, being supported fully by the hammock, while we learn the building blocks of aerial dance. The majority of the class is about skill development, and you will work towards building a fluid sequence by the end of each class.


In this class we’ll continuing refining the entries and transitions that we learn in our beginner aerial dance classes, while adding on more intermediate poses and tricks.

You’ll learn how to move with grace and intention as you begin to explore more challenging and creative moves. The more classes you take, the more you’ll begin to learn how to connect the dots between different movements and turn them into sequences and flows, and the more fun you’ll have flying through the air!


This high-intensity class has it all: strength, stretching, AND entry level tricks. Prepare to have fun, and leave sweaty.


This is a self-led practice session when you can explore trying new things in the hammock. An instructor will be there to ensure member safety. You can play as much or as little as you would like here.


This class focuses on relieving physical tension or "knots" in the body and increasing mobility and proprioception (bodily awareness) by using therapy balls, breath, gentle movement, and visualization. No hammock.


This mat-based class consists of a series of long-held, passive floor poses that target the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians. The poses are typically held for 3-5 minutes, sometimes longer. During the asanas, muscles are relaxed to avoid muscle spasm, which could result from engaging muscles for long periods.

Relax into this class to release stress and anxiety, still the mind, and soothe your nervous system. This full body, deep meditative stretch is the perfect way to end your day.

We would love to add more mat based yoga classes. If you are a certified yoga instructor and would like to teach a yoga class at Valkyrie Fitness, please reach out to Roxy at


Our L1 kettlebell classes are beginner friendly and focus on teaching skills with the kettlebell, while providing an excellent workout. This class moves at a slower pace, and you do not need to have any previous kettlebell experience to take this class. There will be a focus on teaching the following kettlebell movements: deadlift, swing, lunge, goblet squat, clean, press, rows, and the Turkish Get Up.


Strength, conditioning, calorie burning, and muscle building - this class covers it all in only 45 minutes! This is our HIIT class - High Intensity Interval Training. You do not need to have any previous kettlebell experience to take this class, but do expect to break a sweat! With instruction on the proper technique and guidance, this class will teach you how to use kettlebells while improving your fitness and overall body composition.


This class is functional bodybuilding – the training method that combines classic bodybuilding exercises for aesthetics with functional training that gets you fit while also improving strength and mobility. Think moving more slowly, mind-muscle connection, time under tension, and building strength at your end range of motion.

This class is designed as a 2 day split:

  • Tuesdays - Full Body Pulling movements

  • Thursdays - Full Body Pushing movements

You do not have to attend both days, but for best results it is encouraged!


This class is about moving better, getting stronger at your end range of motion, injury-proofing, and increasing all aspects of mobility. It is for everyone who wants to improve the way they move in all aspects of life, movement, and play.

This is not just a passive stretching class - be prepared to put in a bit of effort! Using kettlebells, we will use an appropriate weight to force more stability and increase range of motion under load. This class is not about speed, reps, weight, or beating a time, but about the quality of the movement.

Some of these movements may be challenging, but the instructor will be able to help you modify as needed.

Kettlebell Classes


To book a class, visit our Class Schedule page

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